Hey, I'm Shubham Agarwal

I am a software engineer.

This website host my blog on various computer science topics.

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  • Software Engineer Intern

    GoWide Solutions

    • Developed the application's Admin Panel. It allows administration to manage users and their profiles.
    • Integrated the custom APIs provided by the organization to implement Authentication for the Admin Panel.
    • Created the various screens of the Panel (Dashboard, Category, Manage Account, etc.) using HTML and CSS .
    • Developed the ER Diagram and SRS document to document the requirements of the software.

    Tech stack: React, Postman, GIT, CSS


  • Feedback Collection System

    • Allows product managers or startup owners to easily send bulk emails to a large group of people to gather consumer input or feedback.
    • Implemented authentication using Google OAuth and payment services using Stripe API to let owners sign in and purchase credits for creating a campaign.
    • Sends emails using Sendgrid API to the list of surveyees and tabulate all the feedback received inside MongoDB.
    • Owners can see the report of all the survey responses and improve their product.

    Tech stack: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

  • Job Tracker

    • It is a web app that allows job seekers to access opportunities and also track their progress easily and is the recruiter's one-stop solution for finding the top talents for their company.
    • Implemented authentication using Bcrypt library for both job seekers and recruiters.
    • Job seekers can view the number of jobs categorized on the basis of job status and the graphical representation of the same using Recharts library.
    • Creates, Deletes, Updates job details.| CRUD Ops

    Tech stack: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB


Feel free to reach me at shubhamagarwal.cse@gmail.com.

You can also find me on LinkedIn.